*** Update 1/26/2018 ***
Due to the large number of reads, I can see a lot of interest in this topic... So I will make a commitment to finish this blog over the weekend 1/27/2018 with my first video step-by-step and a nice set of commands to take everyone through the process start to finish.
I have just completed (1/24/2018) the install and yes! you can get it working.
Stay tuned for a detailed blog on creating RDS Database, EC2 environment and the installation of APEX and ORDS.
For now, the article on AWS was a huge help to getting it working!
or give me a few days and I will walk you step by step through the process.
How about the email configuration from AWS? We have configured to our office365 cloud mail server from AWS APEX RDS. But the mails are sent with huge delay (from 1 hour to 8 hours...). What would be problem, and any guidance on this please.... thanks you.